As we navigate the coronavirus outbreak together, Eastminster leaders want to resource, equip and encourage you as you pursue Jesus and serve others during this time. Consider this page the hub for all things digital ministry in the coming weeks. Our staff will be producing things like video encouragement, podcasts, Bible study resources, kids activities and more to help you make the most of this time. We also encourage you to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
Resources from Leadership
Encouragement from Pastor Stan
^^ Daily Bread and Holy Week Update
^^ Disruption
Pastor Joe's Daily Podcast
A short weekday podcast from Pastor Joe for your morning prayer time. The listener will hear the weekly lectionary text for the Christian Church, a short reflection over the text, and a daily prayer at the beginning of the day. LISTEN NOW >>
Grow Groups/Discipleship
Leading Online Bible Study
We encourage Grow Groups and other Bible studies to continue to meet digitally if possible. It’s more important now than ever to gather to study God’s Word, pray and encourage one another. Click here for video conferencing resources and instructions >>
RightNow Media
You have access to thousands of free video Bible study resources through RightNow Media. There are options for adults, students and kids. Click here >>
COVID-19 & Creation
The recent crisis has brought up some theological questions. Like: Did God cause the coronavirus? Is this God’s judgment against humanity? Or is God passive in this, allowing the natural course of things to play themselves out? Eastminster member and theologian Ben Davis offers some thoughts on this subject. Download his piece here >>
Reading Plan
Join Matt Jaderston for a weekly Bible reading plan and discussion in the YouVersion Bible app >>
Sunday Mornings
No High School and Middle School Sunday school. We encourage students to join their families to watch the live service at 11 a.m.
Parents, fill out this survey to help us with planning >>
Sunday Nights (high school)
In place of youth group we will have a Zoom gathering at 7 p.m. on Sundays (the link will be texted out).
Wednesday Nights (middle school)
In place of youth group we will have a Zoom gathering at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays (the link will be texted out).
Grow Groups
Look for info from your group leader on how your group will continue to meet digitally
Connect with Matt & Mike
Join them for weekly studies in the Bible app
Students Podcast with Matt & Mike >>
We’ll be doing doing a once a week podcast aimed at students & parents during this time as we process what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the midst of this crisis.
Stay Up to Date
Links to Zoom gatherings and other updates will be sent out via text, so make sure you’re signed up! High schoolers, text EASTMINSTER HS to 313131. Middle schoolers, text EASTMINSTER MS to 313131.
Sunday Mornings
We won’t be meeting in person for Kids Sunday school, but we encourage kids to join their families to watch the services online. Also, check out the great free kids Bible story lessons available at where you’ll find the LifeWay Kids at Home series.
If you consider Eastminster your home church, be sure to ask to join our private Eastminster Kids Facebook group so we can continue to do life together and encourage one other.
Songs of Peace
Joseph Wimer will lead live worship sessions on Facebook each weekday at noon. Tune in to worship and be encouraged.
Go to Eastminster’s Facebook page >>
Eastminster Spotify
Our worship leaders are adding playlists to bring peace and hope. Go to Eastminster’s Spotify >>
Request Help or Prayer
Help and Support
If the church can provide help, support or care in any way – including pastoral care, grocery delivery, financial support, or meeting any other need you may have – please contact Ginger Cox at 209.4198.
Weekly Resources
Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337