Our Discipleship Strategy
At Eastminster, we’re passionate about encouraging people to enjoy the fullness of knowing, loving and becoming like Jesus. We do that through our Next Steps and discipleship process. Check out the chart. We start by worshipping together on Sundays and then we grow, serve, and go. The next steps on this page provide a path to knowing, loving, and becoming like Jesus. What’s your next step?

Grow Groups
Here’s the truth: Knowing, loving, and becoming like Jesus isn’t easy. After all, He asks us to live differently from the culture around us—exchanging our preferences and comforts for His priorities. Participating in worship services teaches us what that actually looks like; engaging in community through Grow Groups and Three Is Enough Groups helps us practice doing it.
Most people long to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They want their life to matter in some way. We believe God actually designed us with that longing—and He’s gifted us with specific talents and skills we can use to fulfill that desire. Chances are you’ve found Eastminster not only because we have something to offer to you—but also because you have something to offer to us, too.

Missions & Outreach
God calls us to go into our community, our nation, and the world to see lives transformed. At Eastminster, we live that out through our partnerships with The Oaks Fellowship and several other local organizations and through planting sustainable, gospel-centered, reproducing churches in the United States and beyond.

Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337