6th – 12th Grade
The only thing more challenging than raising a teenager is being a teenager. We help students navigate culture in a God-honoring way by equipping them to develop authentic, healthy relationships with each other.
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Middle School
6th-8th Grade
Middle school is a tough season for many students. They aren’t really “kids” anymore, but they’re a long way from being able to navigate the world on their own. As they work to figure things out—awkwardly and imperfectly—we help them discover they’re not alone, and they can rely on Jesus to guide them through the tough stuff.
Middle School Events
Sunday Class
- Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Middle School Basement
Join us for a time of community, a challenging message from Scripture, and small group discussion.
Youth Group
- Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8 p.m.; North Building. Meets January 8 – May 7 (no meeting March 19).
Youth Group is an exciting weekly hangout for middle schoolers to explore their faith, make friends and have a blast! With awesome worship, lively discussions, fun games and inspiring lessons, it’s the perfect mix of faith and fun.
High School
9th-12th Grade
If middle school is a time to figure out who you are, high school (9th-12th grade) can be described as the time to figure out who you want to become. Relationships become more complex, schoolwork gets more difficult and demanding, and the pressure’s on to figure out what you want to be when you “grow up.” It’s vital for these older teens to stay grounded in a group of Christ-seeking peers as they establish values and beliefs they’ll carry into adulthood.
High School Events
Sunday Class
- Sundays, 9:30 a.m.; Middle School Basement
Join us as we enjoy community and dive into God’s Word together. Bring your Bibles!
Youth Group
- Sundays, 7 – 8:30 p.m.; North Building. Meets January 5 – April 27 (no meeting February 9 or 16, or April 20).
Seth Montgomery
Director of High School Students
Josiah Bolton
Director of Middle School Students
Zoe Grolnic
Discipleship Coordinator

Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337