Partnering with Parents to Raise Disciples
Parenting is the toughest job on the planet. The good news is you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. We partner with families to help them raise kids who know, love, and become like Jesus. Our entire children’s ministry team, including volunteers, have completed background checks, and we have a secure check-in process to ensure your kids’ safety.
Sunday Mornings
Birth – Pre-K – Childcare; Drop off in the Kids Wing
Kindergarten – second grade – Start in the Sanctuary with families. They will be dismissed partway through for Kids Worship.
Third grade and up – Remain in the Sanctuary with their family
Kids Sunday Classes
Age Group 9:30 11:00
- Nursery (0 – 20 months) B-16 B-16
- Toddlers (20 months – 3 years) B-11 B-11
- Pre-K (3 years on or before 8/31/24) B-19 B-19
- Kindergarten B-17 Sanctuary/B-17
- 1st Grade B-15 Sanctuary/B-17
- 2nd Grade B-10 Sanctuary/B-17
- 3rd + 4th + 5th Grades LL-11 Sanctuary
Age Group Classroom
- Nursery (0 – 20 months) B-16
- Toddlers (20 months – 3 years) B-11
- Pre-K (3 years on or before 8/31/24) B-19
- Completed K – second grade Sanctuary
- Completed third – fifth grade Sanctuary
Wednesday Nights
6 – 7:30 p.m. | January 8th through April 9th
Child care for birth – 3 years in the Kids Classroom B-11.
Registration is not required
Kids Wednesday Evening Programming
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Kids Programming for kids Pre-K – 5th Grade in Middle School Basement.
Wednesday nights have a fresh look! It’s a safe and fun atmosphere for kids to build relationships, grow in their knowledge of God, and learn how to use their faith at school and at home. Everyone’s invited!
Serve in Kids
At Eastminster, one of our values is “Generation to Generation” – meaning we are an intergenerational church committed to passing the faith from one generation to the next. And guess what? That starts with you! Each of us, as Christ followers, are called to invest in the next generation, discipling and training those coming after us. Serving with Eastminster Kids is the perfect opportunity to spend time with little ones while showing them the love of Jesus. And if you have kids, this is a great way to demonstrate what a lifestyle of service looks like.
All our service opportunities are in team environments, which gives you flexibility in how often you serve or if you need to take a week off for travel. We all have a role to play, and we’ll make sure it fits your schedule!
Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337