Prayer Requests
Receive Prayer Requests
An email is sent daily with updated prayer needs for the church. Email Ginger to begin receiving the prayer email.
Hospital & Home Visits
Hospital Visits
Hospital visits provide care and connection in a confidential manner for our church family. Our team of ministers and trained lay volunteers make daily visits to the hospitals. If you anticipate a hospital stay or day surgery, notify us in advance so we can pray for you and plan our visits. Just click the button below.
Home Visits
This ministry serves our attenders who are unable to physically participate in Eastminster church life. This is a ministry of encouragement, and our visitation teams ensure that all home-bound members, as well as those who are recuperating from illness and/or hospitalization, are visited regularly. Our pastors and elders can administer Communion to our home-bound members. To request someone be added to our Homebound Visitation List, fill out the form below.
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
At Eastminster, we believe that a Christian funeral, burial or memorial service is a service of worship “in which glory is given to God for his care of the bereaved, for his trustworthy providence, and for the hope God’s people have in Jesus Christ. The focus of the burial service is God who has raised Jesus Christ from the dead and given believers an earnest appreciation of their own resurrection. It is a time for the reaffirmation of the Church’s faith and a time for expressing joy in the assurance of eternal life.” (EPC Book of Worship, §6-1).
If a member of your family or the Eastminster Presbyterian Church family is near death or has passed away, please let us know. One of the pastors would like to visit with you and your family to offer pastoral care and guidance and to begin the process of planning the funeral service with you.
Please contact or have the mortuary you’ve selected contact Ginger Cox in the church office at 634.0337, ext. 2011, or
As you prepare for your wedding, our desire is that your day be both memorable and blessed. We believe that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man, a woman and the Lord. As such, your wedding should be a worship service which honors the Lord and be a meaningful experience for you, your family and your friends.
You don’t need to be a member of the church to hold your wedding here. We have two spaces available for weddings: the Chapel, which seats 100-125, and the Sanctuary, which seats 625 people on the main floor, with an additional 125-150 seats in the balcony.
Steps to Scheduling Your Wedding
Step 1
Fill out the contact form below. We will discuss available dates, review costs and guidelines, explain our wedding form, and also assign you one of Eastminster’s wedding coordinators.
Step 2
Review Eastminster’s wedding guide so that you understand our policies, procedures and fees.
Step 3
Meet with your Eastminster wedding coordinator. She will answer any questions you have and help ensure your special day is well-planned and goes as smoothly as possible.
We believe baptism is a sacrament of the church, ordained by Jesus Christ. By the act of baptism, a person becomes a part of the Church, for it is a sign and a seal of the Covenant of Grace for believers and their children. As a sign it proclaims God’s forgiveness and our redemption in Jesus Christ. As a seal, God marks us as adopted children of our heavenly Father. Eastminster baptizes the infants and children of believers, as well as adult believers who have not previously been baptized.
Addiction Counseling
Sometimes we fall under the grip of addiction, whether they be substances or behavior. We can’t break out of this cycle of addiction alone. We need someone who can guide us out of it and hold us accountable. All our addiction counseling and help is absolutely confidential.
Addiction Counseling Contacts
Eastminster Pastors
Pastor Mike Goolsby email >>
Or contact one of our recommended addiction counselors
Kevin Loop | 316.227. 7556 | email >>
Nancy Kunkel | 316.943.3399
We don’t escape from addiction alone. We need others in the body of Christ with the skills to help us. Part of living a full life in Christ is to be free of the things that hold us in bondage. We want to help you find freedom.
Temporarily Away From Home
If you will be away from home for at least three months, we would love to send you a little encouragement. We would also love to be able to check on and help your family in any way we can. Please fill in as much information as you are able and submit. To fill out a physical form, stop by the church office or contact Ginger Cox at And please let us know if anything changes – either fill out a new form online, email Ginger or stop by church.
Prayer Opportunities
Prayer Fellowship
Wednesdays, 6:45 – 8 a.m. | Chapel
Come pray with the faithful every Wednesday morning. If you are ill or need prayer and would like to be prayed over, please come to this group to receive prayer ministry. Questions? Contact Jim Fritzemeier at
Connect Card Prayer Group
Wednesdays, 4 p.m. | Parlor
This group meets to pray over special requests from our congregation. If you’d like to join in praying for those in our church family, this is the perfect place to start. Contact Patty Oberg at or 619.5892.
Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337