Stay Connected
It’s here! A simple, easy way to stay connected to the Eastminster family, find contact info and manage your personal information. The Eastminster directory allows members to access our church photo directory, update their own contact information, view their contribution history and print contribution statements.
First-Time Log In
1. Click the button below to be taken to the login page.
2. Click “Forgot Password” to start an account
3. Enter the email address the church has on file for you.
You’ll be sent an email with a new username and password which will allow you to login. If you’re not sure which email address Eastminster has, please contact Hannah Roberts at or 634.0337.
4. Opt In to the Directory
Once you’re logged in, click “groups.” Look for the group titled “Directory” and click the Join button to the right.
5. Add a Photo
Go to your profile and click “edit.” Then you can take or upload a photo. See very detailed instructions in the FAQ section below.
Your Giving Info
Now you can see your giving history, make a pledge and view or print giving statements online.
1. Follow the steps above to start an account or log in.
2. Click “My Giving” in the menu on the left side of the screen.
3. There you will see your giving history and can click “statement” or “pledge” to view/print a statement or make a pledge.
How to Be Part of the Eastminster Directory
Create An Account
Opt In to the Directory
Add a Photo
Directory Features
• Secure directory: Our directory is only accessible to those connected to Eastminster and is password protected. Keeping your information safe is important to us! The directory is also opt-in only, so individuals will only be part of it if they choose to join in.
• Contact information and photos: As the directory grows, you’ll be able to easily access contact information for your Eastminster friends, so you can reach out and stay connected. And profile photos are a great way to get to know others, or help with remembering names and faces.
• Update Personal Information: Quickly and easily update the information the church has on file for you.
• View Contribution History: See your giving history and give quickly and securely.
• Print Contribution Statements: Print contribution statements from your own device.
• Take Group Attendance: If you’re a group leader, you can take attendance and communicate with your group through the Directory.
Who can see the directory?
Only Eastminster staff and people connected to Eastminster’s database who have opted into the directory can view the directory.
What information is shared?
Other directory members can see your name, photo, address, email, phone numbers and the names of your household family members. You can see additional information on yourself and family members that other users cannot see.
Change your profile picture
1. After logging on to the directory, hold your mouse over your initials in the upper-right corner, then click View Profile.
2. Once you are looking at your record in the database, click Edit, then under “Picture,” click Browse, or simply drag and drop your desired picture on the specified part of the webpage.
3. Select a photo on your computer, then click Ok (or “Open”) when you are ready to make the change.
4. In ShelbyNext, click the Save button to apply your changes!
1. After logging on to the directory, click the three vertical dots at the top right. Then click View Profile.
2. Under your name, click the word “Profile” to bring up more options. Then click Edit.
3. On the profile edit page, scroll down until you see the “Picture” section.
4. To add a new photo, click the word Browse in the “drop file here or browse” box. This will replace your existing photo if you have one.
5. Select where you’d like to get the photo from. You can upload an existing photo or take a new one.
6. Once your new photo has been uploaded, click the blue Save button at the bottom of the page.
Update your personal info
1. After logging on to the directory, hold your mouse over your initials in the upper-right corner, then click View Profile.
2. Once you are looking at your record in the database, click Edit.
3. Make any changes, then click the blue Save button at the bottom left.
1. After logging on to the directory, click the three vertical dots at the top right. Then click View Profile.
2. Under your name, click the word “Profile” to bring up more options. Then click Edit.
3. Make any changes, then click the blue Save button.
Need help?
If you need additional assistance, please contact Hannah Roberts at or 634.0337.
Change your password
- Go to the Eastminster Directory login page at
- Click the Forgot Password link, located below the login button.
- Enter your email address, then click Send Password.
- Watch your email! You should receive a message from within five minutes with your new password, as well as account information such as your username.
- After you log in with your new password, please change your password immediately by clicking your initials in the top-right corner, click View Profile, then navigate to the Account section of your profile.
Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337