
Lead Pastor

The Lead Pastor of Eastminster Presbyterian Church serves in a Godly partnership with Session to provide spiritual leadership and vision to the congregation, ensures the health and stability of the congregation through organizational direction and administrative oversight, and sees that the needs of the congregation are met through the various ministries of the church. The Lead Pastor will have a heart for people, and the desire to engage with them in meaningful ways that encourage full participation in the life of the church and a deeper walk with the Lord.

Interested in applying? Please apply using this link!

Student Ministries Summer Interns

Eastminster’s Discipleship Summer Internship is designed for those interested in receiving first hand experience in youth and kids’ ministry, working in a church environment, and investing in the next generation to encourage them to enjoy the fullness of knowing, loving and becoming like Jesus. 

Child Care Workers

We are accepting applications for child care workers! Applicants must love Jesus, kids and work well with others.  Eastminster has child care opportunities on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays.

Contact Us

1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206

(316) 634.0337
