april, 2024

07aprAll Day21Food & Formula Drive

Event Details

April 7 – 21

This Spring, Eastminster will be again collecting nonperishable food items and formula for two of our ministry partners, Union Rescue Mission and Embrace of Wichita. URM’s mission is helping homeless and hurting people restore their lives through God’s love. Embrace envisions the day when all women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families in Jesus Christ.

Please place items in the collection bin in the lobby April 7 – 21.

Food Shopping List: canned foods, instant boxed potatoes, juice (apple, orange, cranberry), pork and beans, baked beans, spaghetti sauce, rice, vegetable or olive oil, oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly, sugar, flour, breakfast drinks, coffee, pancake syrup.
Formula: Generic brands of Similac powder, 33-48 ounces (Look for the orange or blue lid!)

Questions? Contact Wendy Ferguson at wferguson@eastminster.org.


april 7 (Sunday) - 21 (Sunday)


Wendy Ferguson