october, 2021
02oct9:00 am12:00 pmChurch History for Today: The Council of Nicaea
Event Details
The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) marks one of the most pivotal moments in Church history. It’s where bishops, pastors and theologians – who we know as the Church Fathers
Event Details
The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) marks one of the most pivotal moments in Church history. It’s where bishops, pastors and theologians – who we know as the Church Fathers – came together to discern the doctrine of the Trinity from the pages of Scripture against those who were denying that Jesus was “true God of true God.” Without the Council of Nicaea and the Creed that was hammered out on its theological anvil, Christians today would know and confess God radically differently. All are welcome to learn more about the Council of Nicaea – its history, theology and contemporary significance. In this class we will not only learn the history of the doctrine of the Trinity and what happened at Nicaea, we will also learn why the doctrine of the Trinity – the doctrine that teaches us who God is – is vital for the Christian life. For without the doctrine of the Trinity, we would not know how to pray, worship or read Scripture faithfully. The event is free but please register online.
(Saturday) 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Eastminster Church – Sanctuary