We all need times of renewal. Our bodies renew themselves constantly. When they stop renewing, we die. Souls need to be renewed. God does a work of renewal in us when he brings us to faith in Christ. Then his Spirit is constantly working renewal in us. This work of renewal is a joint venture between us, who set our hearts on renewal, and the Spirit who renews us as we surrender to, and cooperate with him. Churches need renewal too. Times change, communities change, and the church must constantly renew its ministry and vision in order to minister the gospel to each generation and their community. Church facilities also need renewal. Especially when they are 33 years old. Not only does facility renewal keep the church from appearing worn and dated, but we can also design our renewal to position us for the future and reach across generations.
We are proposing a capital campaign to the congregation focused on renewal. This is the next natural step in work we’ve already begun. Our staffing is positioned to carry us into the future, we have refocused and renewed our strategy and vision, we have created healthy dynamics on the staff and session, and the next phase is to renew our facility. This renewal campaign will focus on refreshing the sound, lighting and projection in the Sanctuary, giving a facelift to the Fellowship Hall and lobby, renewing the bathrooms, and a missional component that will invest in the faith renewal of our young people by investing in Westminster Woods.
PLEDGES ARE ACCEPTED THROUGH JUNE 21, 2020. RENEW GIVING IS open through January 31, 2021.
This allows you to give a gift in the tax year that’s best for you.
The solution is to reconfigure our layout and audio/video resources to cultivate connection—
connection with God and with each other.
We all need times of renewal. Our bodies renew themselves constantly. When they stop renewing, we die. Souls need to be renewed. God does a work of renewal in us when he brings us to faith in Christ. Then his Spirit is constantly working renewal in us. This work of renewal is a joint venture between us, who set our hearts on renewal, and the Spirit who renews us as we surrender to and cooperate with him. Churches need renewal too. Times change, communities change, and the church must constantly renew its ministry and vision in order to minister the gospel to each generation and their community. Church facilities also need renewal. Especially when they are 33 years old. Not only does facility renewal keep the church from appearing worn and dated, but we can also design our renewal to position us for the future and reach across generations.
We are proposing a capital campaign to the congregation focused on renewal. This is the next natural step in work we’ve already begun. Our staffing is positioned to carry us into the future, we have refocused and renewed our strategy and vision, we have created healthy dynamics on the staff and session, and the next phase is to renew our facility. This renewal campaign will focus on refreshing the sound, lighting and projection in the Sanctuary, giving a facelift to the Fellowship Hall and lobby, renewing the bathrooms, and a missional component that will invest in the faith renewal of our young people by investing in Westminster Woods.
Renewing the Sound
We have had issues with our sound for a while. The speakers are old. There is a 10-decibel difference in volume depending on where you sit in the Sanctuary, and there are intelligibility issues with the spoken word because of reverberation. We presently have reduced capacity to mix sound for the praise band at the 11 a.m. service. A new sound system design, along with new speakers will greatly improve the sound in our Sanctuary. We also want to improve the lighting. Presently, the stage lighting makes the stage very hot. So, while the choir swelters, the congregation is often cold. Replacing the lighting with LED lights will eliminate this problem and save money over time. The screens in the Sanctuary are broken. We are looking at replacing them with the latest projection technology. Not only will we see words and videos better, but they will blend into the wall when not in use. Worship is the main thing we do at Eastminster, and worship mainly takes place in our Sanctuary. Every aspect of worship should be excellent. Improved sound, lighting and projection will enhance the worship experience both musically and with the spoken Word.
Renewing the Lobby and Fellowship Hall
The lobby is the first impression people have as they walk into our church. Ours is dark and congested. We want to make it welcoming, with plenty of light, and improved flow for people to come and go. As part of this remodel we will also take down some walls to open up the space and create easier flow to the Fellowship Hall. Within the Fellowship Hall, there will be spaces created to enhance fellowship and gather with one another. A refreshed look will appeal to the next generation and carry us into the future.
Renewing the Restrooms
Every experience a guest has with our church is important, from the way they are welcomed to how they experience our building and space. Bathrooms are part of this experience and convey a subliminal message. Ours are 33 years old. Have I said enough?
Investing in the Next Generation: Westminster Woods
The capital campaigns in our church (the last one was in the year 2000) have historically had a missional component. We have selected to invest in Westminster Woods because many of our young people make decisions for Christ while at the Woods. Westminster Woods currently has plans to build a new dining hall with a basement that will serve as a tornado shelter. There is currently no such shelter at the Woods. They also have need of operating expenses because their support from the PC (USA) Presbytery of Southern Kansas has been reduced. By investing in the Woods, we invest in the spiritual future of our children.
The Session is of one mind on the timing and scope of this capital campaign. It has been prayed over, studied and discussed for more than a year. We have no doubt that this is the Lord’s will for us at this time. Our investment in these renewal projects will position us for the future. It will both embrace the future that lies ahead of us and impart to the generations that come behind a foundation that can be built upon.
As the Session and I bring this to the congregation for your approval and commitment, my prayer is one prayed by the prophet Habakkuk. “Lord I have heard of your fame, I stand in awe of your deeds. Renew them in our day.”
Contact Us
1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634.0337