Redemption Stories

These stories were submitted by members of Eastminster to declare and demonstrate the goodness of God and how he redeems every part of our lives. Though we couldn’t share them all in the video shown on Easter, we wanted to publish them all here as a testament to God’s work in his people at Eastminster. He is good!

I rejoice in God’s forgiving grace, to me, and for me. God showed me just this week that I need to forgive someone who hurt me grievously. In his power, I did that. I rejoice!

I remember feeling overwhelmed by debt and ashamed of secret sins but I found freedom and delight when Jesus assured me of his love and acceptance; so much so that he sings over me.

I remember God’s faithfulness in the darkest times of depression.

My brother was diagnosed with cancer at 33 and died five months later leaving a young widow and three children. Today all are serving God and are a blessing to others.

He brought me out of the darkness of depression and loss of hope. He opened my eyes to light and hope and life.

Thank you, God, for being with my husband and I when our son was lost. He is now found and is following you.

Giving me a daughter who influenced my wife and I to turn to God when we most needed it. It was truly a life changing decision.

I remember when my family disowned me because they wanted me to make a certain decision I was not making, but God was with me and he carried me. He turned the situation around.

Almost 10 years ago I was new to Wichita. I was living a life of confusion, anxiety and fear. I prayed and asked God for friends, he brought me a wonderful godly friend who invited me to Hannah women’s group. Eastminster, Hannah, Grow Groups, and my kids going to Westminster Woods all began to show me Jesus through the people and ministries, through relationships. It’s completely changed my life and my family’s lives. I now have Jesus as my Lord – he gives me clarity and peace and freedom.

I was walking away from God. God sent a co-worker into my life and showed me a better way. I was saved by God’s grace through a co-worker.

God spoke to my heart during deep illness laying on a bed in India. Thank you, God!

I remember thinking I could exert my will on the world, until I couldn’t and my world almost collapsed. I remember the peace and love that came from recognizing and trusting in God’s power.

When our daughter was caught up in drugs you allowed her to live. Still working on bringing to salvation.

I was lost in worldly pleasures when I met someone, and her witness and the work of your Holy Spirit changed my life.

I remember God’s redemption from the bondage of anxiety for our daughter.

I remember being vulnerable and afraid in a dangerous situation with my infant son but the Lord provided miraculous protection.

I ran from God in college and to the things of this world. I was lost but God called me when I moved to Wichita.

I remember being lost in my faith. Revealing all my sins opened up the lock in my heart. I surrender my love to Jesus.

I am reminded every time I fail that God is not finished with me. Thank goodness!

When God was trying to gain my attention and get me to turn to him, he sent three friends/family members, all in different parts of the country, to tell me of his grace and love, all at the same time. It worked and I’m so thankful.

I remember the comfort I felt as God picked me out of a deep dark place and called me back to him.

We will never forget the fear, stress and sadness we experienced when our baby girl was born with a congenital heart defect and endured two heart surgeries. Through the power of prayer, unconditional faith and trust in our Father, he gave us the strength to care for both our children and bring our daughter home. Glory be to God!

When my college engagement broke apart I felt hopeless and abandoned. I cried and cried out to the God of my childhood to explain why he let this failure happen. A short time later, a God-fearing young man unexpectedly entered my life. Forty years later I am so grateful God chose the man who would point me to him.

My son was in a terrible car wreck and God spared his life.

When there is depressing actions and I’m overwhelmed, I give it to Jesus – I rest in Jesus! And then I’m calm and at peace.

I was at the end of my rope with my little boy, with no one to help. But the Lord strengthened me with his grace to continue the marathon of raising him.

When we were down you always walked with us! You lift up and guide our children and grandkids.

The Lord has redeemed me in so many ways. All I do is for him, as we take none of this with us.

God pursued me and I stubbornly resisted.

I loved God, but was trying to obey on my own. He revealed to me what Christ had done for me – the helper he had sent.

God brought us great comfort when my husband had open heart surgery and during his recovery.

God saved me from loneliness and temptation in college by bringing good friends and a solid Christian group into my life.

Redeemed a broken marriage of my parents.

His love never fails.

God has drawn near to me while I was in deep grief after losing our son. He has restored joy and hope and laughter in our family! He is leading us in his story of redemption for us and we are eager to see what he has planned!

I remember when God sent my grandmother to save me from my father’s house.

I remember being/feeling lost, confused, hurt by everything that was happening with my family, but in Jesus I found my love, security and hope.

Retrieved me from a life of self-centered seeking and drew me to him.

God redeemed my years of singleness by bringing a ready-made family and a godly man into my life.

God rescued me from a Hippie lifestyle.

We were childless, and God provided a way for us to adopt. Others say our son is blessed to have us, but God blessed us with him!

The Lord redeemed our wandering child!

Even though God has given me specific skills/gifts, I can often feel I’m “not enough”. The Holy Spirit reminds that through Jesus, I am more than enough and can experience Him more fully as I know Him more and walk in His truth.

Most recent following on rocky surface. Called out “save me.” Husband too far away but God’s angel set me upright.

I had gone through a divorce and I prayed on my knees for a Christian man to come into my life and one did and we have been married for more than six years now.

I have had a sister with cancer and my dad pass away at the same time. God was there for my family and helped us get through this tough time.

After the birth of our last child, a restful night did not happen for 18 months due to our child’s health issue. As a result of sleep deprivation, my dark childhood flooded me in suicidal depression. Jesus entered into that time, pressing the truth of his Word upon my heart, healing my inner core, and flooding me with His joy and love.

I remember when I surrendered to him and he saved our marriage. He helped me accept life as it comes – the good with the bad.

When God forgave me and after making an awful decision and action…and still loves me. God redeems!

I rejoice in the day that I learned that attending church did not make me right with God. He revealed to me that I needed a true Savior – his Son, Jesus – to deliver me from the power and penalty of my sin. He called me to put my faith in and follow him!

During a time of great depression and severe headaches, God reminded me that for the joy set before him, he endured the cross and its shame. It gave me hope and restored my joy in him, to trust him in dark moments.

We love God and want him to be first. God saved our son from a dangerous relationship of four years. God blessed us with two children after 36 years. We need redemption now of ignoring our situation.

I was overwhelmed by life. I presented my problems to God and focused on pleasing him. He returned peace and joy for my woes.

God has blessed me with a Christ-loving husband with whom I have four children. God saved my son from what should have been a deadly fall.

I remember trying to find my value in my job and other people’s opinions of me, but I found my true identity in the grace and forgiveness and love of God.

One of the last things I remember my dad saying before dying was, “I want to go home.” My mother missed him dearly and often said, “I am ready to go when the Lord is ready to take me.” I rejoice every day that they are again together with our Lord, and I will join them some day!

I have seen the Lord redeem our daughter from her struggle with anorexia and restore the years the locust had stolen.

He brought me out of a broken childhood to hope and new life as an adult and parent. From a life of no hope to one of exponential impact and leading others to hope and freedom through his power.

Thirteen years ago I thought my marriage was beyond repair and God redeemed it from something we thought was hopeless to a sweet relationship – not perfect! – beyond our expectation. God has the POWER to restore and redeem what we in our own strength cannot possibly do! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

I lost my son to cancer when he was 27. The Lord came to me in my sorrow and I cried as though he was cleansing my sorrow and hate.

The Monday after Mother’s Day, I learned that my baby’s heart had stopped beating in my womb. God met me in my grief and comforted me with Scripture. Two years later on the Monday after Mother’s Day, he delivered into my arms a beautiful baby girl.

I remember feeling alone and overwhelmed when my kids were little, but I found help and comfort through the Church when God’s family surrounded me!

There was a very lonely period in my life that God got me through. And then he provided me with a family!

I remember when the Lord redeemed our marriage and it became what he had intended all along for it to be.

In my darkest hour the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.

I remember going through the depths of grief and despair when I lost my baby. But God sustained me, showed me glimpses of hope, and turned my trial into a treasure.

I remember feeling distress, frustration and fear at physical trials but found great relief and peace upon realizing I am not my own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to my Savior Jesus Christ.

I remember being abused, alone, but he showed himself to me, and he’s never left my side.

Whenever I am faced with pain, sorrow, bitterness, or anger, I can feel that God is with me. He is in complete control of every situation and I don’t have to be afraid or worry.

Thank you, Father, for redeeming me from a neighborhood skirmish that brought me to you!

Jesus pulled me out of the ditch of a bad, hurtful marriage.

Accepted the Lord age 12.

I was left alone in another country and God brought me home.

I remember feeling a loss of hope when we were experiencing recurrent miscarriages and fear that our plans for our family wouldn’t come to fruition. Every time I hug my daughter I’m reminded my hope rests in Jesus and his infinitely better plans.

When I felt overwhelmed he gave me community to carry the burden.

I remember a time of great temptation and the Holy Spirit worked in me to help me overcome my own weakness.

God has blessed my life by giving me four children dedicated to the Lord Jesus.

Premature birth of our son at one pound, 14 oz. Three months in the hospital with predictions of health problems down the road. Today he is a 36-year-old husband and father of two leading a Christian life.

Thank your Lord for setting my feet straight on your path and delivering me from depression.

I lost a wife and God brought me a wonderful woman to be a loving wife to me.

I remember when losing my grandmother and I saw the heavens open up and an angel of God coming down to meet her. My heart was full.

I lived with chronic depression for 40 years, and God replaced that with peace and joy.

I remember the Lord being there as my dad was dying of cancer

I remember that through depression God taught me that I was not invincible. My own guilt, sinfulness and humanity and imperfect self-control made me susceptible to cause my own death. But even then (Romans 8:38-39) my own death could not separate me from the love of God which I had accepted through Christ Jesus.

I remember feeling alone and scared when our son was so ill, and God met me there and carried all of us through those times.

Being with me, through ups/downs. Comfort of knowing he is there.

I remember the Lord’s guidance through a terrible financial situation which affected many people.

We had to make an emergency trip to Colorado to find a nursing home for a relative. The Lord led us every step of the way!

Our family left our burning home; God blessed us with safety and a restored home.

God saved me as a little girl 54 years ago and has had his hand on my life ever since.

Feeling lost and alone during my marriage. With God and lots of prayer we built our relationship stronger. Praise God.

I remember not having much control of my children’s lives as they are adults. With prayers and wonderful people God got us through our difficult times.

God pulled me out of the pit of depression and gave me a reason to get up in the morning.

I was not brought up in a Christian home. But in my 20s, God, full of mercy, opened my eyes and heart to him. He patiently continued to show me who he truly is and redeemed me and showed me his love, truth and grace.

At the age of 11 I was weighed down by a deep conviction of sin. I prayed with a friend and asked Jesus to come into my life. I found joy and release from my burdens.

I injured my back and lost my job the same year. I lived mostly on my back for a year or on my face before God, begging. He taught me to depend on him entirely that year. I rejoice that he gave me that bad year, my year of coming to Jesus.

A year ago I was very sick with back-to-back bouts of the flu. A potentially life-threatening heart issue was found and corrected through that sickness.

I was devastated when I was told I had cancer. Jesus healed me and drew me to him, to trust him with my life!

After many years of marriage, the Lord brought me through a painful divorce. Through his precious Word and the prayers of faithful friends and family, my Holy Father comforted me and drew me closer to himself.

Our son was spiraling down in drug and alcohol addiction. The Lord intervened and he is six years sober.

My mother passed away and I was in a very dark place, living away from family and friends. He reminded me of his love and brought me to Wichita where I met my husband.

In 1998 my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He passed in 2008 but during those 10 years God was with us – always. Our faith was strengthened 100 fold. After he died, I cared for my parents until their deaths. I could not have gone on without the Lord’s care and provision. He has never left me and always held me up.

My husband and I thought we were handling the empty nest thing pretty well…but it became obvious to us that we were not doing as well as we thought. God’s faithfulness to us and our marriage was magnified to a level that honestly had us both in awe. He put words on our hearts for us to meditate on. He lifted a veil from each of our eyes to allow us to to see our marriage, and the things we were not doing so well, in a new light and with great clarity. God pulled each of us out of a pit and had us rest in green pastures. He redeemed our marriage in ways that are hard to put into words, and made his presence and will for us known. To say we are thankful for his work is an understatement. Our marriage is better than it has ever been and we give him all the glory for his redemptive work in our lives.