Pastor Search

Transition Pastor

Join us in welcoming Rev. Dr. Ron Hawkins and his wife, Linette. Ron and Linette will begin their time at Eastminster on February 1, 2024. “Linette and I are committed, honored and eager to serve Eastminster. We look forward to what I sense will be a great season, continuing to build the kingdom of God, while preparing for what will soon be both your and our faith community for the next called Senior Pastor.”
Rev. Ron is currently completing a transitional pastorate at Christ Presbyterian Church in Goodyear, Arizona.  Ron has a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Reformed Theological Seminary.  In addition to that, Ron has earned certification as a Transition Pastor from ECO (A Covenant order of Evangelical Presbyterians.)  For the past 33 years, he has served churches of various sizes as a Church Planter, Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor.  Most recently he has served three churches as a Transition Pastor since 2019. Ron and Linette, have five grown children who live in several cities across the country.

We lift up Ron and Linette, thankful for their accepting the call to come to Wichita, and we look forward to welcoming them into our church family.  We are excited about the days ahead as God unfolds His plan for us for the future.

Transition Pastor FAQs

What is a Transition Pastor?

Transition pastors are seasoned ministers specifically trained to help congregations bridge the time between the departure of a lead pastor and the installation of a successor.  They serve for a stated period of time and may not be called to fill the lead pastor vacancy.  They can be especially effective in helping congregations lay a proper foundation for an incoming pastor.


      Transition pastors serve with all the ministry authority of a called Senior Pastor:  head of staff, moderator of Session, preacher, worship leader, counselor, officiant at weddings, funerals, etc.

When will the Transition Pastor begin serving?

Rev. Dr. Ron Hawkins will begin his time at Eastminster on February 1, 2024

Why is the church committing to a Transition Pastor when the Pastor Search Committee (PSC) has been working since February to fill the vacancy?

Back when the PSC was nominated and approved by the congregation, Session believed it was feasible, with God’s expedient help, to conclude the search process and call a pastor in time to have the new Senior Pastor identified and perhaps even installed by Pastor Stan’s departure. 


      Even with the devoted hard work of the Committee, it has become clear that the church was overly optimistic in its assessment of the time required and the availability of candidates.  Being without a lead pastor in January appeared more and more likely, hence the shift to a Transition Pastor to ensure there would not be an interruption in ministry leadership.

When can Eastminster expect to welcome a new Senior Pastor?

That is very difficult to say.  One of the real values of a Transition Pastor is the experience and the counsel they can provide to guide a call committee through the entire search process.  Working together, we are hopeful we can celebrate the arrival of Eastminster’s new spiritual leader in 2025 or sooner.

Why retain a Transition Pastor?

Eastminster was strongly urged by the Ministerial Committee of the EPC Great Plains Presbytery to work with a Transition Pastor. The practice has become increasingly common and universally successful with other churches in the denomination.


You may recall that Eastminster has a successful history of working with interim pastors – Rev. Bob Hopper and Rev. Jerry Hilton to name most recent examples.

How long will the Transition Pastor serve?

A typical engagement is for one year.  The actual length of service often depends upon the congregation’s readiness to call a qualified candidate and that called pastor’s availability.

Isn’t this a more costly process?

There is no additional expense to the church.  The Transition Pastor will receive the same compensation and benefits as were previously budgeted for a Senior Pastor in the church’s 2023-24 annual budget.

What about the Associate Pastor Search?

That search has progressed at a steady pace.  Responses to the posting of the position have been very encouraging.  The Associate Pastor Search Committee is optimistic that it will have a recommendation to bring forward in the not-too-distant future.

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1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206

(316) 634.0337