
Eastminster Women

Female friendships are a force to be reckoned with, but it can be tricky to find new friends with whom you can just be yourself. We’ll help you cultivate authentic friendships with other women as you draw closer to Christ.

For more details about Women’s Ministries, contact Adriana Ramos at 634.0337 or aramos@eastminster.org

Women’s Grow Groups

Hannah: Women Connecting

Hannah: Women Connecting is celebrating 40 years of helping women develop authentic friendships and deep connections while growing in God through Biblical teaching. We are a multigenerational group of women from churches all over Wichita who meet at Eastminster twice a month for fellowship and Bible study. We alternate between a lesson one week and a program of interest the alternate week. This year’s study is “Significant Women of the Bible.” We will look at women as they really are – with struggles, doubts, failings and faith. Their portrayal, be it brief or detailed in scripture, is divinely ordained. Many felt unseen, but were touched, loved and spoken to by Jesus. Their lessons are significant and eternal. Their lives, as well as yours, matter to God and fit in his plan. Common interest programs will include things such as local charities, calligraphy, cooking, photography, self-defense, travel, marriage and parenting. Child care and kids programming for ages 3 months – Pre-K is available. Register your kids at eastminster.org/hannah. Questions? Contact Sarah Hebert at sarah@avenuecreativeco.com or Katherine Munson at ksmunson@cox.net. For more information, visit eastminster.org/hannah or our Facebook group, Hannah: Women Connecting.

Led by: Sarah Hebert, Katherine Munson For Ages: 18+ Meets: Every 1st and 3rd Week on Thursday from 9:15am-11:15am
Childcare Available? Yes - Child care and kids programming for ages 3 months – Pre-K. Register using the link. Topic: Women Group Type: Grow Groups
Location: Great Room - Main Campus Begins: September 5, 2024 Status: Open

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Women’s Events


28mar(mar 28)6:30 pmWomen’s Retreat

Contact Us

1958 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67206

(316) 634.0337
