Matt Jaderston - November 25, 2018
The Subversive Power of Rest

Scripture References: Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11
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CloseSabbath is an ancient idea of intentional rest that Christians are to put into the rhythm of their week. We are in a culture that does not know how to stop and be in the moment. When we’re overwhelmed with work, it’s impossible to see beyond ourselves and care about others in our lives. Sabbath is about setting apart a time to commune deeply with God and with each other. God created us and the world and is in control over it. We don’t rest because the work is finished, but because it is never finished! Remember that God created humans with rest in mind. You were not created to be a slave, but to be in a relationship with God!
Scripture References: Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11
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