Stan Van Den Berg - January 27, 2019
Take the Land
Scripture References: Joshua 1:10, Joshua 1:1-5, Joshua 1:11
Apr 8, 2019
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CloseIn Joshua, God promised land to the Israelites, but what does that have to do with us? The Exodus story is a picture of Christ and God’s redemption of His people. Just as the Israelites were in slavery in Egypt, we today are in slavery to sin. The Kingdom of God is the rule of Christ. If we submit to the rule of Christ, then He rules in us. As more people come under the rule of Christ, the Kingdom of God expands. It is our role to expand the rule of Christ amongst the nations and to deepen His own rule in our lives.
Scripture References: Joshua 1:10, Joshua 1:1-5, Joshua 1:11
More Messages from Stan Van Den Berg
Stan Van Den Berg
Joshua 5:10-15, Joshua 4:1-7, Joshua 3:5-8, Joshua 3:14-17