East Africa 2022: Update #2
After breakfast, we headed over to the dining hall to set up for the glasses clinic. Many people there already waiting. Mary, Roy and I took turns testing people for glasses from 9 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. We were assisted by our African friends, Amos, David and John, who served as interpreters. Mark and Don checked people in while Kathy, Nancy and Jane fitted each person with the appropriate glasses. We saw over 160 people. The clinic was supposed to end at 2 p.m. because it was held in the same room as the graduation ceremony at 3 p.m, but there were still over 100 people waiting to be seen! We trained our assistants to do our jobs, and they moved to a different building to continue the work while we went to the graduation ceremony. I love their flexibility! Over 300 pairs of glasses were given away that day.