by Elissa Becker | Oct 26, 2022 | Missions
East Africa 2022: Update #5 The team drove north through the desert to Dukana near the Ethiopian border. The area is in a severe drought—it hasn’t rained for three years. The Haspels support AIM missionaries (Africa Inland Mission, a mission sending agency...
by Elissa Becker | Oct 20, 2022 | Missions
East Africa 2022: Update #4 The team traveled to Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, the largest slum in Africa, with Eastminster supported missionary Boaz Masinde. They visited the schools Bishop Boaz founded, Glory Primary and Secondary School. Pam Van Bebber commented,...
by Elissa Becker | Oct 20, 2022 | Missions
East Africa 2022: Update #3 Sunday morning worship has the same purpose but looks a bit different in Tanzania! Check out the Eastminster team jumping right in and joining the choir. Earlier in the weekend, the team also had the opportunity to visit some of the...
by Elissa Becker | Oct 17, 2022 | Missions
East Africa 2022: Update #2 After breakfast, we headed over to the dining hall to set up for the glasses clinic. Many people there already waiting. Mary, Roy and I took turns testing people for glasses from 9 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. We were assisted by our African...
by Elissa Becker | Jul 29, 2022 | Missions
Greece Family Gathering Trip Wrap-Up How do you summarize a week like we just had? It is impossible in just a few paragraphs, but we can at least present some key points that hit home for us in a way that would not have been feasible if we had not attended the Family...